If you pay attention to any geek news outlets on the web, you probably saw the introduction of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, a project organized by Joss Whedon to explore means of promoting and distributing content that don’t involve the RIAA, MPAA, NCAA, NAACP, AAAS, AAA or even AA, so far as I know.
It was free to watch for about a week. Then, available only on iTunes for only a week. Now, it’s free again. For how long? Dunno. Anyway, go watch it. And then go give Real Steve $4 for the commercial-free version. It’s sweet, funny and has Neal Patrick Harris, for frig’s sake. And he sings. I guess I’m the last guy on the continent to figure out that he was in Cabaret on Broadway recently.
Monthly Archives: July 2008
links for 2008-07-23
Vanity trap: paging John Vulner
I’m having a little trouble tracking down John Vulner, Northeastern U CS grad and a sometime co-op in my department. I’d like to get back in touch. Best I can tell is that he works or worked for Microsoft after graduating in 2006.
John, it’s James (I guess that may not be apparent from this site…I should fix that sometime). If you’re Googling your name and find this post, please drop me a note. jls at jls dot cx will work fine.
links for 2008-07-17
Via boingboing…just, whoa.
links for 2008-07-16
Awesome, and I *guess* that’s not “outside” assistance…
31. A robot may not harm Asimov’s sideburns, or, through inaction, allow Asimov’s sideburns to come to harm.
links for 2008-07-10
Via BoingBoing – the first WWW host was a NeXT cube. Doesn’t get any cooler than that.
links for 2008-07-03
links for 2008-07-02
Technically not doping…but maybe not as socially acceptable as caffeine, either.