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Author Archives: James
links for 2009-04-17
links for 2009-04-09
A train leaves Vienna traveling east at 30 Km/h…and, eventually, winds up in Pyongyang.
links for 2009-04-08
April Fool's joke that might come to life. The light-saber-shaped zipper pull really seals the deal for me. I hope it doesn't come with authentic tauntaun smell, though.
links for 2009-03-21
Photoblog of nutritionally incorrect food. Undeniably disgusting, but nonetheless compelling. Don't miss the meta-pizza.
Via BoingBoing
Nostalgia attack: when I was seven…
Andrew’s birthday last week made me mindful of the fact that he’s now of an age that I should remember pretty well from my own childhood. Those of you who know me (that is, both of you) know that I can’t really count my memory as one of my stronger qualities. Even so, I should be able to remember something from age seven, right? I spent some time trying to dredge up memories from that time in my life, and what I’ve come up with feels surprisingly scant:
- I was in second grade when I turned seven in December of 1979. Earlier that year we had moved from Moline, IL to Lebanon, MO, so I was a new arrival at Donnelly School that fall. I looked, and Donnelly is apparently an administrative building now.
- My teacher’s name was Mrs. Martin. She had dark hair, wore round, plastic-framed glasses, and was probably closer to retirement than her first day in the classroom. I remember one day she gave us a spelling test, and of was one of the words. She vocalized the f so that it sounded like ov, but warned that she’d “better not see any v’s.” This confused me for a minute.
- I loved to read Childcraft, especially the history volume. In particular I remember reading the story of Molly Pitcher, probably over and over. I don’t remember if the Childcraft books came from the school library or the classroom, but I do recall that I stuffed that history volume in my desk and would sneak looks at it during the day.
- I don’t remember much about my music teacher, but I do remember that I first learned to read music in 2nd grade. He had one of those five-pronged chalk holders for drawing staffs on the blackboard.
In terms of what I can pin specifically to age seven (rather than generally attribute to the four years we lived in Lebanon), that’s about it. Without assistance, I can’t recall my birthday cake. I remember my friends – in fact, I think I still remember Bobby O’Neill’s phone number – but I don’t recall exactly when we met up, so it may have been later. I may have started Cub Scouts that year, or it may have been the next year. The years between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back have turned into one big, pleasant blur.
Which, of course, doesn’t matter. I have a 21st-century seven-year-old now, and the stories of my childhood probably would make as much impression on him as my own parents’ stories made on me. And yet as Andrew engages in the things I remember from my own childhood, I can’t help but try to reach back to my own experiences for some common ground. In him I can see myself, and I can see Elise, and I can see elements of a new person taking shape. Surely that’s every parent’s experience, but part of being human is having these trite, done-ten-billion-times miracles living down the hall, and still not knowing what to do with them.
Except write, occasionally.
Andrew’s Birthday, Episode VII
Andrew turned 7 last Thursday, and this weekend we hosted what felt like 3,436 of his closest friends for the obligatory cake-fest. As Andrew wished, the party featured a Star Wars: The Clone Wars theme, but for the cake. Again as he wished, the cake took the form of Torterra, the powerful Level 2 Leaf-type Pokemon that has captured his imagination. Mom is such a good sport.
The party consisted of 1) Pizza 2) Tearing around the house wielding various cylindrical-shaped objects as toy weapons 3) Movie-watching 4) Tearing-around while glancing at the movie 5) Cake. Andrew loved every minute of it.
We have a few more pictures over in the gallery, as usual.
links for 2009-02-26
I just discovered a new level of evil in IE's showModalDialog. Turns out if you have a link or form in the document loaded into the dialog, and that link/form changes the URL address, clicking the link or submit button will always open a new window instead of loading into the dialog. Unless you *don't* specify a target attrib on your link/url, and add a <base target="_self"> tag to your doc's <head>. By the dog, the god of the egyptians, I swear I'm in the wrong line of work.
links for 2009-02-25
Interesting assertion – a new mathematical concept allowed modeling of complex financial instruments, thus enabling creation and sale of the now infamous mortgage-backed securities.
It’s Scout-tastic: Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta results
Since mid-January, Andrew’s Cub Scout pack has kicked into high gear. He raced in his first pinewood derby on January 24th, and he and his Tiger Cubs posse put up some tight races. He wound up 3rd in the Tigers, which apparently gets him an invitation to a district meet in March.
When we signed into the race, we also took possession of a Raingutter Regatta kit. Unlike the pinewood derby kit, which looked much like the ones I had nearly 30 years ago, the boat has changed quite a bit. I recall a pine block for the hull, which may or may not have had a pre-drilled mast hole. We also had to cut the sail from a plastic milk jug. The darn kids these days get a pre-shaped balsa hull with metal keel, plastic rudder, and sail. As with the car, Andrew and I got to spend some quality time together with the sanding block, exploring the effects of different grits of sandpaper. He chose the color scheme – a black-on-gold fade made somewhat lumpy by a spray can that didn’t want to turn off when we released the button.
The Tigers had much lighter turnout for the regatta, which I find as regrettable as it was predictable. Coming only a couple of weeks after the derby, not doubt many families suffered from scout fatigue. However, the regatta is a more engaging event for the boys. Instead of watching their cars roll down the track, they have to blow the boats down the gutter. Of the three boats in the den, Andrew came second to his large-lunged friend Connor, who ended up third in the pack against some much larger kids.
Andrew also took home the best design award for the pack, and his 2nd place in the den is good for yet another trip to a District meet. Fortunately, the district boat race and car race are on the same day. Unfortunately, it’s also the same day that we’re scheduled to spend on the USS Salem with his den. That’s gonna be a long weekend…