Technically not doping…but maybe not as socially acceptable as caffeine, either.
Author Archives: James
Pan-Mass Challenge 2008
I have a strong suspicion that approximately 2.5 people read this blog on a regular basis. And, of those 2.5 people, I’ve probably already mentioned PMC to at least 1.5 of them. The other guy, well, I managed to convert him into a rider this year – Hi Tim! – which is cool, but, so much for that donation this year.
So, in the interest of leaving no stone unturned, here’s the pitch: This August 2nd and 3rd, I’m riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge to raise money for cancer research and treatment at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. It’s a two-day, 192-mile bike ride from Sturbridge in central MA to Provincetown, at the tip of Cape Cod. It’s also the biggest bike fundraiser of all time. Last year, some 5000 riders raised $33 million.
You can probably see where I’m going with this. I plan (or perhaps aspire would be more appropriate) to raise $7000 this year. I’m a little more than halfway there, so I need your help. Please donate to support my ride. Any – and I do mean any – amount will make a difference. Oh, and since you probably know Tim, too (in fact, there’s a 40% chance you are Tim), please go donate to him, too. In fact, donate to him first.
Now that’s nice and flip, and I will admit that I have an absolutely awesome time on the ride. But the reason for the ride is deadly serious. DFCI treats thousands of adult and pediatric patients every year. Sometimes, there’s a cure, but many patients aren’t so lucky. Two years ago, right after I finished my first PMC, a six-month-old boy named Cian was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. He received treatment at DFCI, but died less than two months later. I have lots of reasons to ride PMC, but Cian’s memory remains my biggest motivator. Maybe someday families won’t have to undergo the torment of losing an infant to cancer, and PMC will be a victory parade instead of a fundraiser. Until then, once a year I’m going to ask you for a donation.
One more thing: this year I’m riding with team Pedals for Pediatrics. 100% of the dollars you donate will go to support pediatric treatment at Dana-Farber. Dr. Sam Blackman, the team’s founder, expressed his oncologist’s realism and scientist’s optimism in an excellent speech a few weeks ago. If you have 20 minutes or so, I highly recommend you read the transcript.
As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting PMC.
links for 2008-06-28
links for 2008-06-27
links for 2008-06-25
Fortunately, I get paid to read stuff like this.
links for 2008-06-23
links for 2008-06-22
Informal TT in Dover
links for 2008-06-20
Open-source, cross-platform HL7 Interface Engine
links for 2008-06-18
Impressive visualization tool for population statistics. Vectored via freakonomics blog. As Levitt commented, “[it creates] such beautiful graphs that it is easy to forget that what you are looking at are correlations, not necessarily anything causal.”
This sort of thing is a lot harder than it should be.
The ‘tubes are just jammed with good stuff today…solstice moon is tomorrow night. It will look huge. Why? Even government rocket scientists aren’t sure.
Via neatorama.
…H I J L M N O P…no K?
Nope, we’re done with K, or at least Andrew is.
Here’s a couple clips from his last day yesterday:
Now it’s time for a summer of swim lessons, day camp, and leaving his sister alone. Really.
Update 6/18: video fixed, and now we have a few pix in the gallery.