Report on a longitudinal study of mutations in E. coli at Michigan State – from this layman’s perspective, fits well with the “Plausibility of Life” hypotheses.
Author Archives: James
links for 2008-05-25
I don’t have a specific project in mind, but some of these could be useful with that cheap GPS tracker that I previously bookmarked. Not that I’m going to do *that*, either…
Lightroom 1.4.1 upgrade problem – solved
For the last few days I’ve been trying to upgrade my Adobe Lightroom install to 1.4.1, but was met with a dialog box proclaiming that Adobe_Lightroom.msi could not be found, and prompting for a new file path. The default path in the picker was a path into Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data that didn’t exist.
Tonight I found this thread on the Adobe support forums that pointed me at a Microsoft Support Article that provided a download of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. I ran that, cleaned up the original Lightroom install, and was able to upgrade to 1.4.1. Problem solved.
This stuff is getting way too complex.
links for 2008-05-20
Via Wil Wheaton’s blog – reliving my youth, one Sears Wish Book page at a time.
links for 2008-05-18
“The Open GPS Tracker is a small device which plugs into a $20 prepaid mobile phone to make a GPS tracker. ”
I don’t need one, but I want one.
links for 2008-05-16
Insider’s view of the OLPC implosion
Paternal Pride
I apologize for the extra-crappy cellphone-quality video, but you can imagine how excited I am about this:
Won’t be much longer before I can’t keep up with him.
links for 2008-05-14
We had a little birthday party at the homestead yesterday:
She does know how to have a good time!
We have a few pix in the gallery, too.