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Author Archives: James
Sarah’s wedding
So I’ve finally processed the pictures, and there’s two new albums up in the gallery: One from our vacation in Denver, and the other from Sarah’s wedding. The wedding was an all-too-rare extended family event for us, and I’m very happy we were able to introduce Maggie to her great-grandparents and all the other extended family. I’m also very grateful for Elise’s parents and brother joining us and giving us a little time to talk grownup talk to the other grownups.
Speaking of Mags, she surprised us with her passion for dancing at the reception. As soon as the adults cleared out, she found herself a square of parquet and proceeded to jackhammer it with her delicate little feet. She did that for four or five songs straight, and we almost had to drag her away.
I tell you now: we are in deep, deep trouble.
links for 2007-09-10
Big A in the Big K
That’s right, he’s left the sleepy world of pre-school behind for the neon-drenched, leopard-print-spandex-clad world of Kindergarten. As you can see, he’s already tired of the paparazzi.
Make no mistake: Andrew is a shy kid. We all gathered in the auditorium for the principal’s welcoming address, but Andrew wouldn’t let go of me when it was time for him to go off with his class, even though he’s friends with two of his eighteen classmates. But when we parents wandered over to the classroom half an hour later, he was shouting out answers to questions. So I guess all the emotional stuff is just for my benefit.
Andrew is definitely ready for the real deal. He’s reading a few words, and I think he’ll benefit from a little more structure. We’re very enthusiastic about the school, even though we’re now outsiders in a Catholic setting. I’m certain we’ll have a lot of ‘splaining to do in the first few months, but I’m confident that Andrew will do well there, and that they’ll help form the whole kid. Now all I have to do is figure out how to handle the transportation will still finding time to squeeze in a little work…
links for 2007-09-06
Slo-mo video of dismount technique
And remounts, too…
I know all this and more
Quick hits for a Friday:
WBUR had a feature this morning on rockers as parents (with transcript so you won’t have to deal with the $#*! RealMedia player). Quotable Tanya Donelly : “I think the shift is that it’s now sort of edgy to have onsies [sic] at your show.”
…from which I learn that Tanya D has a children’s album out, which will be on its way to me Real Soon Now. Watch for a review here…if you’re very patient and craving some disappointment.
And while I’m writing about public radio, if you’re not catching WNYC’s Radiolab podcast, you should be.
links for 2007-08-24
This is a shout out to Kraig Willett, who finally posted something I feel qualified to respond to. And yeah, I realize his question is rhetorical. But literalist that I am, here’s my own cellphone pic of the sunset as viewed from Boston harbor:
Anyhoo, thanks for all the bike-nerd food for thought, Kraig.
links for 2007-08-22
Good pics for TT position experimentation