Author Archives: James
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Mount Canon or Nikon SLR lenses on a video cam
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links for 2007-08-08
Pan-Mass Challenge 2007: Brief Report
This year’s PMC is in the books. I may do a longer report later, but for now: it’s done! Saturday was hot and humid, I didn’t eat enough in the last half of the ride and bonked about 5 miles from the finish. Sunday’s weather was just about perfect, save for the headwind we endured for the last 15 miles or so. I broke a spoke around mile 85 on Saturday, but I experienced no other major incidents. Oh, some dude in a Saab tried to right hook a couple of my buddies on Sunday, but needs some more practice :-). The gallery has a few pictures, but in general I wasn’t very snappy this year. Warning: a couple of the pictures may be NSFW due to a t-shirt bearing a four-letter word.
Thanks to all of you who donated; PMC is truly a community effort, and the donors drive the whole works. We ride for everybody who ever needed treatment, and we ride so that those who will need it, will get it. If you want to be a part of it, it’s not too late; you can still donate here.