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SOAP client generator for Cocoa/Objective-C
Author Archives: James
links for 2009-06-23
Open-source firmware that enhances the video capabilities of the Canon EOS 5d Mark II (not that I gots one of them…)
I assume everybody (all three of you) are as transfixed by the goings-on in Iran as I am. Here's a paper that analyzes election data and finds support for the idea that the Ahmadinejad's faction stole the election. Obviously the Iranians didn't need the paper to see the plain truth.
links for 2009-06-19
links for 2009-06-17
Ah, nostalgia. Maybe things really were simpler back then.
links for 2009-06-16
Millenium Falcon: Wow, that took a long time, I bet
AT-AT with bride/groom figurines: Commenter got it right. Groom is Admiral Ackbar? IT'S A TRAP!
links for 2009-06-11
Cool live view of iTunes app store downloads, shown at WWDC
links for 2009-06-05
Not just any collection of pictures of diamond-shaped road signs. Don Knuth's collection of pictures of diamond-shaped road signs.
links for 2009-05-28
Opinions on XML parsers for the iphone
Is that Cameron's house? Yes, yes it is. I think they got the Ferrari out of the ravine, though. Bummer.
"It’s nowhere near what it will be, but OH MY TOASTY GOD, our government is now committed to making public data available in open formats to anyone who wants it. As if it were normal!" –David Weinberger, writing on http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/
links for 2009-05-26
links for 2009-05-25
This looks like instructions for creating iPhone app plugins.